Do Yourself a Favor…Change Your Air Conditioning Filter!

We vigilantly filter the spam from our electronic devices. We filter our thoughts before they turn into words so that we don’t offend old Aunt Ethel, who considers tent dresses and sensible shoes high fashion and gives us fruit cake every Christmas. Those of us who consider ourselves orange juice purists even filter the pulp from our favorite breakfast beverage. 

However, lest we forget, one of the most important filters is our air conditioner filter. It can be a reason we breathe easier – removing the unhealthy pollutants in the air we constantly breathe; and it can grant us the peace of mind that our air conditioning system is running efficiently, providing us with optimal cooling and comfort as well as energy savings.

Like oil filter changes for our vehicles, we are all guilty of stretching out our air conditioning unit filters a “bit” longer than that process should drag out…or even forgetting entirely for quite some time. If you don’t remember the last time you changed your air conditioning filter, take that as a sure sign that it is time for a change!

If you don’t want the hassle of remembering when your air conditioning filter is due for a change or if you’d like to ensure that your entire air conditioning unit is always operating at its best, Anderson Performance Heat & Air provides affordable, convenient, preventive maintenance agreements. Just call 386-402-7828. This writer has them on speed dial…Just sayin’!