Maintenance Is Important!

Doesn’t it seem like the universe mysteriously happens to toss unpleasant things our way at the worst possible times? Makes you wonder if we’re being tested. There is one way to ward off those unforeseen problems that are headed our way. It’s the winter season again – the absolute best time to schedule your air conditioning maintenance.

One thing regular heating and air conditioning maintenance can do for you is eliminate a bunch of time consumption and aggravation, by helping you to avoid any inconvenient, costly repairs. Plus, regular heating and air conditioning maintenance can actually improve the longevity of your system. That’s right! Routine upkeep could extend a 10 to 12-year air conditioner lifespan up to 20 years; and I think we can all agree that regular maintenance is a whole lot cheaper than a brand new unit.

However, prolonging the life of your air conditioning and heating units isn’t the only way regular maintenance can help you save money. Keeping your home heating and air conditioning systems running optimally results in energy efficiency…and while that is great for the environment, it is also a wonderful thing for your wallet!

Additionally, keeping your heating and air operating efficiently by implementing a regular maintenance program will also keep your family comfortable and healthy. Aside from the obvious – the fact that getting your system to operate at the temperature you want when you want it – is ideal; a well-maintained system will help you breathe easier with cleaner air and peace of mind.

If you have any questions, to schedule an appointment or to set up your cost-effective, convenient regular maintenance program, call Anderson Performance Heat & Air at 386-402-7828.